Saturday, May 12, 2012



Linus Benedict Torvalds, a 21 year old Finnish college student created operating system Linux. It was made public on August 25, 1991. A penguin named Tux is the official mascot of Linux. Linus named the software Freax (freak + unix), but his friend uploaded first public version of operating system into a folder that he named Linux. Linux today is one of the most widely used operating system running on small computers to huge servers. Linux is open source operating system and millions of people around the world contribute to Linux development. Linux provides platform to developers, academic centers, government concerns and many other businesses and it is available with free license and supports changes as compared to other operating systems. It is quite flexible as it allows it users to use parts that they require for particular application or device they are working on. Linus continually works on the developments of kernel, but today his part of the original contribution is less than 2%. World known companies such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, Linked in etc use Linux as their main operating system. Established in 2007, Linux foundation works to grow and succeed in competition with other operating systems.


The Sputnik Program, more commonly known as "companion", is known to be a group of numerous robotic spacecraft operations launched by the Soviet Union. Sputnik 1, the first of these, is the first known human made object to enter the space. Sputnik 1 was launched into the space on October 4, 1957. The launch laid bare the expediency of the usage of artificial sites for the exploration of upper atmosphere.

The word "sputnik" is said to have Russian origin with the literal meaning "co-traveler", "satellite", or "travelling companion". Sputnik 1, when launched, featured a diameter measuring 58cm (23") and a weight of 83.6 kg (183 lb.). It took about 96 minutes to complete each of the 1440 elliptical orbits. 

The launch of Sputnik 1 had surprised the US as this launch was coupled with the magnificent failure of the USA"s first two attempts for the launch of Project Vanguard. The launch of Sputnik 1 had had a very positive impact in the space research world. Firstly, it led to the up come of Advanced Research Projects Agency, DARPA, and NASA. Besides, it had also inspired various youngsters to form a generation of engineers and scientists. Moreover, the launch of Sputnik 1 also inspired Herb Caen, a U.S. writer to lay claim to the term "beatnik" in the San Francisco Chronicle about the Beat Generation.

To conclude with, it would not be wrong to say that Sputnik 1 has proved to be not only a landmark in human space flight but has also been the inaugurating achievement in the "Space Race". Besides, it has also given birth to a cohort of scientists and engineers.

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Today almost everything runs on electricity. We use electricity to run trains, cook, lighting and so much more. Thus it is very important that people are able to know where they can get all the required electricity. People are able to tap energy from alternative sources of energy to help relieve the common sources of electricity.

Many companies are trying their best to try and cut down their electricity consumption. A good example would be Google. Google consumes a lot of energy. Google searches require the same energy that an 11 watt bulb requires when it's on for an hour. So one can be able to estimate how much energy is required for the Google servers and all other equipment to run. Thus Google has tried to cut their energy costs by developing advanced cooling methods and using energy saving techniques.

Others companies are also following the same trend. For example HP. It presented a paper to the 4th international conference on energy sustainability that describes how HP plans how they will use manure of cows to power their data centres. The title of the paper is design of Farm Waste-Driven supply Side Infrastructure for Data centers.

The manure that would be used will be from midsized dairy farms. Electricity will be derived form it by putting it through an anaerobic digester. The heat that is derived from this process would be used to power the turbines of the data centers cooling system. The electricity that is derived from this process will be used to power the data center. The temperature of the anaerobic digester would be regulated by the waste heat that is generated by the data center. This process ensures that there is maximum efficiency. This process also produces enough energy to be able to run the dairy farm. Thus one not only saves power use by the data centers but also the dairy farm.

According to HP, a dairy farm with about 10000 cows produces approximately 200000 tones of manure in a year. The manure produces methane gas. According to research this gas is more detrimental to the environment than carbon dioxide. The manure also pollutes the environment by polluting the rivers and streams. Thus HP using this manure to produce electricity will greatly improve the environment as it gets rid of this pollutant.

Other than reducing pollution, this process will also help boost the economy of the farms. The farms will be able to use this same electricity to run their farms and also earn huge chunks of money by selling the manure to be used elsewhere to produce the electricity. The farms can earn approximately two million dollars annually from selling the power that they produce.


Tesla coil is an invention of Nikola Tesla; this instrument is actually a transformer. Transformers are usually step-up or step-down types which increase or decrease the input current respectively. The Tesla Coil is an air-core transformer with a high frequency. It is a step up transformer which increases the input of 120 volts AC to around 100,000 volts. The discharge is usually in the form of electrical arc. These incredible coils have in the past were known to light up florescent lights which were almost 50 feet away, wirelessly. The other fact is that there is a direct conversion of electricity to light which does not need the electrodes, unlike the normal bulbs. What it means is that, the florescent lights which have already burnt out can also produce light.


Zero was invented in India by Indian mathematicians dating as early as 5th century. They widely used it in calculations, astronomy and astrology. Zero was spread by Arabians to the Europe and there on it was spread all over. Before this, all Europeans used roman numerical which were difficult to calculate on as they were in the form of Symbols, lengthy and had limits. 


Printer manufacturers print invisible yellow dots on consumer's prints that check to see if a person is printing counterfeit money. If you call your printer manufacturer and ask them to "please stop spying on you", they will send secret services to your address to find out why you care about your privacy. Upset? You should be. The more people who call their printer's manufacturers and make this request, the more likely secret services will refuse to investigate. 


Company in Brazil (Suite Vollard) constructed a building in which each floor can rotate 360 degrees. Each building has 11 apartments and each apartment can spin individually in any direction. One rotation takes a full hour, but apartment owner can set rotation speed through apartment control panel. Facades are made of three different types of glass which give wonderful effects when building spins during the sunset. Cost of each apartment is $US 300,000.00.

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Cars today put out a lot of pollution, and use up fossil fuels. Predictions are that hydrogen cars with combination of solar and electricity source, are the future of transportation. Device that is the size of microwave oven may be all you need to fuel your car in the future. Using small device, hydrogen can be easily and cleanly extracted from water and power family car for up to 150 kilometers. 

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