Friday, May 11, 2012


AutomobileInvention of the Automobile
The invention of the car can be traced back as far as 1769, when one Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot devised the very first concept - a complex, three wheeled steam engine. The idea never really took off, as it could not compete with horse powered transportation which were easier to handle, faster, less expensive and more commercially viable. Horses were at the heart of the transport industry, with every single business relying on horses to pull their vehicles. At that moment, every specification correlated into horse terms. The steam train was named the iron horse, the bicycle was named the poor man's horse and the trolley car was named the horseless carriage. 
Steam EngineInvention of the Steam Engine
The invention of the engine has played a major role in the environment we live in today - surrounded by transport and industries all reliant on an engine of some description. The engine we see today is a progression of the steam engine, using the same principles, but applied in a more developed manner in the modern world. Every single engine works the same way - a conversion of burning fuel into kinetic energy. It's near enough impossible to imagine a world without the engine, so let's look at the history of the engine and how it has come to the forefront of our industrialized world. The first incarnations of the steam engine were wood-powered, before coal was discovered .
AirplaneInvention of the Airplane
The discovery of the airplane brought along development in the transport system. The transport system improved following the invention of airplane. Now the time taken to travel long distances has reduced due to the invention of airplane. The speed of an airplane is so high that it does not take long to reach any place throughout the world. The convenience of sight-seeing in all the famous places in far away places has now increased. Slowly and gradually, emergencies are becoming easier to handle after the invention of airplane. Thus, the airplane has the ability to take the position of a lifesaver. In recent days, nations have experimented on the various uses of airplane.
WheelInvention of the Wheel
We cannot imagine our lives without any kind of movement. Similarly, as we move from one place to another, either the inanimate objects are forced to move or they have some inbuilt machine. Wheels are the most ancient discovery for humankind. The wheels on a kid's car, the different sizes and shapes that we can see around us are always a matter of joy for many. However, none of us question the fact of how the wheel was discovered? Wheels have made it easier for all of us to travel. The creation of wheels is perhaps the significant discovery. It is unbelievable to visualize the globe with no wheels around. As soon as the wheel was invented, there was a revolt in the manufacturing
CameraInvention of the Camera
It is next to impossible to capture a photo without a camera. A camera is a device, which enables the recording of still and moving photographs within seconds. Without camera, it was never possible to capture good memories. Camera was first designed by Joseph N. Niepce, who was from France, a retired Military Officer. He invented the first camera in 1826 in France. His camera known as "Obscura" had two wooden boxes out of which one box had a lens and the other had a screen, which was green in color. He then invented a diaphragm, which helped in the clarity of the image by sharpening the image. The first discovery of the camera was made by a German Mathematician, Friedrich.
RadioInvention of the Radio
Radio was a great achievement in the terms of communication between people. Radio was not a direct or immediate invention. One can call radio as one of the effects of the telephone and telegraph inventions. The inventors of telephone and telegraph had already introduced the technology of wire-to-wire communication. Thus, the inventor of radio based his invention on the technology of telephone and telegraph. This invention did not happen all of the sudden. The discovery of radio waves actually set the platform for the invention of radio. Radio waves are electromagnetic waves that can carry information in the form of pictures, sound and other details. 
BarcodeInvention of the Barcode
Perhaps one of the most under rated inventions belongs to the barcode. Barcodes aren't given much thought by the majority of consumers, but these codes were fairly recently implemented, in a working fashion, in 1970. A small food store owner decided one day that keeping records of the inventory of his stock and their associated prices was an extremely laborious process and so, in 1948, he took it upon himself to contact The Drexel Institute of Technology in a bid to work towards a feasible solution. Bernard Silver rose to the challenge and set out to investigate this problem, and began working on a solution involving an automatic way of keeping track of items which had been sold.
InternetInvention of the Internet
The Internet is something which many of us now take for granted, but the invention of the Internet, is still recent. The Internet is essentially a network connecting thousands of smaller networks into a single global network. The Internet model and the Transmission Control Protocols used to implement the idea were developed in 1973 by Vinton Cerf, an American computer scientist. His project was backed by the United States Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), directed by Robert Khan, an American engineer. The Internet initially was used to connect University networks and research labs within the United States. 
Printing PressInvention of the Printing Press
The invention of the printing press took place in approximately 1450 AD, by a German inventor by the name of Johannes Gutenburg. During this time, there were many cultural changes in Europe which sparked the requirement of a quick, inexpensive method of producing large amounts of documents. Gutenberg received investment from banks and local business in order to work on a viable solution. Gutenberg's original concept remained relatively unchanged until the 19th century. In the early 1800's, the advancements in technologies meant that the printing press had to be amended to cope with the modern world and growing demand. Iron materials replaced wooden materials for printing, which...
ComputerInvention of the Computer
Personal computers are now commonplace in most homes throughout the world, and are relied on heavily by both individuals and businesses. The invention of the computer is relatively new, emerging into our lives relatively late in the 20th century. The technology to build such intricate and sophisticated systems was simply not available prior to this, though advancements in microelectronics made the vision of a computer a realistic one. The two innovations in electronics which allowed for this were the integrated circuit, which was manufactured in 1959, and the microprocessor, which appeared in 1971. The integrated circuit allowed the internal memory solutions to be shrunken down .
Light BulbInvention of the Light Bulb
The very first electric light was invented as early as 1800 by English inventor, Humphry Davy. Through various experimentations with electricity, he invented a basic electric battery, soon followed by electric light once he realised that carbon glowed, producing light when connected to the battery. This reaction is called an electric arc. In 1860, Sir Joseph Wilson Swan set about attempting to develop a practical, long-lasting form of electric light. It was he who realised that carbon paper filament worked well, however did burn up relatively quickly. In 1878, his new lamp inventions were showcased in Newcastle, England. 1877 saw American Charles Francis Brush develop a series
TelephoneInvention of the Telephone
One of the most important and revolutionary inventions which impacts greatly upon modern day communication is the invention of the telephone. The idea behind the telephone is simple, a system which converts sound into a series of electrical impulses of differing frequencies, and then reverses this procedure to re-create the sound, typically a human voice. Sounds simple enough, but it took many years and an array of different inventors to finally succeed with the technology. As early as 1831, Michael Faraday proved that vibrations of metal could be converted into electrical impulses. This was the basic principle of the telephone, but no one made use of such technology until 1861
Television SetInvention of the Television Set
The televison set was invented by not one person but a group of numerous personnel. The principal idea was based on photoconductivity of the element selenium, founded by Willoughby Smith in 1873. All televisions make use of an image which is scanned to produce a representation time signal, which is then reversed and decoded by the human eye. On 26 January 1926, John Logie Baird demonstrated the first public television, which transmitted live moving images. Several months later, 3 July 1928, Baird demonstrated the first colour television. In 1923, Charles Francis Jenkin demonstrated his own version of a primitive television set. 

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