Saturday, May 12, 2012



Olbers' paradox, a part of astrophysics and physical cosmology, is basically a squabble about the sky being dark at night. This paradox is also phrased as the 'dark night sky paradox'. The paradox states that an inert, considerably old universe with an equal number of stars scattered in the proportionately large space should be bright rather than being dark at night. 

The question of sky being dark at night might seem ridiculous with a much obvious answer, and the topical answer might surprise you. This question has been studied by the best physicists who have reached an answer that is simple but not so obvious. In order to find an answer to the Olbers' paradox, the scientists and physicists had to struggle a lot to learn about the behavior of energy involved in the concept.

One argument given by the scientists against the dark night paradox is that the light of distant stars might be hidden by the dust clouds. But this answer is again contradicted by the statement that these dust clouds should reach the temperature of the stars by their heat. Another statement contradicting the Olber's paradox is that these distant stars might be too tiny and far that they can be seen in the vicinity. Besides, there might be numerous stars at increasing distances such that their smaller perceptible size is formed of by their bigger numbers. 

Another theory is of the time and age of the universe. Universe is 13.73 billion years old which states that light of the starts had certain time to light up the universe. Most of the starts we see today, in our night sky, do not exist anymore. We can see their light because it takes ages for their light to travel around the universe. So we could say that stars in the universe had certain amount of time to contribute to the illumination of the whole universe. 

Please read comments bellow for additional theories. However, as much as we searched this subject, it still remains a paradox. 

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Rig Veda, the oldest and perhaps most mystical text ever composed in India, says: "With deep respect, I bow to the sun, who travels 2,202 yojanas in half a nimesha." A yojana is about nine American miles; a nimesha is 16/75 of a second. 2,202 yojanas x 9 miles x 75/8 nimeshas = 185,794 m. 

So it says that sunlight travels at 186,000 miles per second! In 1387 A. D. They know the correct figure for the speed of light. Yogis were using the mala to keep track of the number of mantras. It has 109 beads, 108+1 Guru Bead. Why so? A] The mala represents the ecliptic. It is divided into 27 equal sections called Nakshatras, and each of these into four equal sectors called paadas, or "steps," marking the 108 steps that the sun and moon take through heaven. 2] They stop at the 109th "guru bead," flip the mala and continue reciting backwards. The guru bead represents the summer and winter solstices. Using a mala is a symbolic way of connecting ourselves with the cosmic cycles governing our universe. Yet there are another astronomical references to it : 1] The distance between the earth and the sun is approximately 108 times the sun's diameter. Distance between earth & sun is 149,597,890 km and diameter of sun is 1,392,000 km i.e. 107.45 times. 2] And the distance between the earth and the moon is 108 times the moon's diameter. Distance between earth & moon is 375,403km and moon diameter is 3,476 km i.e. 108 times. 3] The diameter of the sun is about 108 times the earth's diameter. Sun diameter is 1,392,000 km and Earth diameter at equator is 12756 km i.e. Sun is 109 times that of earth. That is why Gurumani is considered as of 109th.


Poincare conjecture is one of the mathematical theorems that has been demonstrated recently passably to the point that it can be taken as a full theorem. You can find various definitions for Poincare Conjecture on different websites. For example, according to Wikipedia "In mathematics, the Poincare conjecture (French, ) is a theorem about the characterization of the three-dimensional sphere among three-dimensional manifolds." 
Poincare conjecture has been one of the seven Millennium Prize Problems and above all, this is the first ever and only Millennium Prize Problem that has been solved. The Poincare Conjecture states that if a compact 3-D manifold has no boundary and is simply connected, then it is said to be homeomorphic to a 3-D sphere. This conjecture is believed to have been formulated in 1904 by Henri Poincare, a French mathematician, as an elemental for achieving a perceptive of three dimensional shapes, 3-D sphere being the simplest one.

This conjecture was recently provided with a breakthrough proof by numerous new elements introduced by Perelman. He gained complete perceptive of singularity formation in Ricci flow, in addition to the manner of collapsing of the parts of a shape onto lower-dimensional spaces. He solved the problem by introducing entropy as a new quantity. This entropy measures the disorder in the space's global geometry instead of measuring the disarray at the atomic level. Besides, he also pioneered a related local quantity, the L-functional, which was used that proved that the time between the configuration of singularities could not become smaller and smaller. 
Perelman has enriched mathematics by deploy his new ideas and methods with utmost technicalities and describing the obtained results with elegant succinctness. 

The interesting fact is that Grigory Perelman declined the prize of one million dollars which comes with the Fields medal which is equivalent of the Nobel Prize for mathematics. Perelman is currently unemployed living with his mom in a small apartment near St. Petersburg. Interfax, a Russian news agency, quoted him as saying. "To put it short," he said, "the main reason is my disagreement with the organized mathematical community. I don't like their decisions; I consider them unjust."

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Magnesium is the required mineral for good health. It was Sir Humphry Davy who segregated magnesium from Epson salts as magnesium does not exists in Free State. Magnesium is found in different proportions in different parts of our body; half of it is in cells and tissues, other half combined with other materials form our body framework and only a very little of it is found in our blood. Magnesium is there fore essential for proper functioning of nervous system, heart, regulation of blood pressure and for maintaining our bones. It also helps to metabolize energy and to break proteins for proper digestion.

The requirement of magnesium of our body cannot be met with the food we eat daily as it contains a meager amount of magnesium. To fulfill the need of the body one needs to eat variety of green vegetables as the chlorophyll pigment contains magnesium, other than this the mineral can be found in nuts, seeds and few whole grains. Fruits should also be taken in good amount. For non vegetarians meats and sea foods are of great help. 

People involved in heavy physical activities should be on high magnesium diet as it helps in transmitting oxygen to the tissues, magnesium helps children in increasing their concentration level.

As excess of anything is bad same is the case with magnesium, in case of excess intake of magnesium a person might suffer kidney failure, muscle weakness, cramps, irregularity of heartbeats and extreme diarrhea. Generally people who are alcoholic, or are suffering with gastrointestinal and renal diseases are magnesium deficient.

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency are irritation, tiredness, loss of appetite and concentration, muscular weakness and abnormal heartbeat. Women need to be very careful about their magnesium intake after menopause the deficiency might lead to osteoporosis.


Tornado is a violent storm commonly known as a twister that brings destruction to people and property. Tornadoes mostly hit the United States of America although they might come anytime and anywhere. Tornadoes are high speed winds that hit the place generally in the months of March to May. The speed and size of the tornado can vary to any extent. Tornadoes are generally accompanied with thunderstorms. Some common signs of tornadoes are dark, blackish green sky, hailstorm and loud sounds like that of a yelling train etc. 

The main reason of occurrence of a tornado is the meeting of warm air that rises up the ground with the cool air that rushes down to descend. A tornado may rotate either in clockwise or anticlockwise direction. The speed of rotation of this funnel shaped tornado is so high that it destroys everything that comes in its way. The strength of a tornado is so high that it can uproot trees, blow the roofs of the buildings or even crumple down buildings to ashes. The color of a tornado depends upon two factors the surroundings and the time of the day. The tornado is a noisy wind; the sound of which can be either high or low depending upon the obstructions in the way. 

It has been recorded that almost eight hundred to one thousand tornadoes hit America every year killing 80 people and injuring around fifteen hundred. Other tornado prone areas are south of Canada, south of Africa, some regions of Australia, New Zealand and Asia. "Tri-state" tornado that hit United States of America in March 18, 1925 was the deadliest tornado and tornado in Oklahoma in 1999 was the most destructive tornado known to men. Interesting fact about tornado is that some people survived being in the middle of tornado.


Earthquakes are the nature's most dangerous calamity. Earthquakes can hit any place, at any time and at any extreme level. There is no way out to stop earthquakes but only thing that humans can do is become more knowledgeable to protect themselves and lessen the amount of damage to the people as well as the property. The earthquake is caused due to movement of tectonic plates below the Earth's crust when they are pushed, pulled or jostled against each other. When the pressure of this movement becomes unbearable the rocks crack and shifts and the waves of energy produced is an earthquake.

The most sensitive zone to earthquakes is Alaska. In Alaska the earthquake hit at the magnitude of eight and almost seven earthquakes hit this place every year. It is also seen that Alaska is hit with the earthquake of magnitude 8 once every fourteen years. The records show that every minute two earthquakes occur in the world. The largest recorded earthquake in the U. S. was of the magnitude 9.2 and that in the world was of the magnitude 9.5 which hit Chile in 1960.

Earthquakes also occur on the moons and are hence called "moonquakes" but they are less frequent and are of a smaller magnitude.

Earthquakes are not weather based, they occur in any weather and generally a earthquake lasts for 60 seconds causing lots of damage to people, property, country and the world as a whole.

The most recent earthquake occurred in 2004 brought along with it tsunami, in the western coast of Sumatra and took away almost 2, 55, 000 lives.

Most of the earthquakes occur in the rim of the Pacific Ocean, known as the "Ring of Fire" due to its constant volcanic activity.


Twix is a candy bar that was introduced in 1979 and had been known as a Raider bar in some places until 1991 despite concerns over the change being a marketing ploy to some. This type of bar features a cookie center with a caramel topping all covered in a milk chocolate coating. Two of these bars come in each package.

Twix bars come in many varieties including a version with a chocolate cookie and a peanut butter topping. Various other forms have appeared too including mint, ice cream and double chocolate bars.

One package of Twix contains 284 calories with 125 of them coming from fat. It also contains 14g of fat and 5g of saturated fat. 3mg of cholesterol and 37g of carbohydrates can also be found.


Sir Isaac Newton was born in Lincolnshire, England in 1643. He studied at Cambridge but from a period of time between 1664 and 1666 he made a series of discoveries. He discovered the law of universal gravitation during this time. This states that and attractive force will occur between any two parts of matter. The force that holds items to the planet is also what holds the moon and other celestial bodies in orbit.

The three laws of motion were also invented by Newton. The first states that each object in a still motion will stay still until a force is created on it. The second says that the force imposed onto an object is equal to a relationship between the mass of the item and its acceleration. Third there is the law where and equal and opposite reaction occurs with every action.

Newton also discovered the mathematical process of calculus. This would help him to become a professor at Cambridge in 1669 as a Lucasian professor of mathematics. He retired from the university in 1701.

In 1704 Newton promoted in a book on optics that light is composed of particles and that white light comes from all colors of the light spectrum. Newton continued to work as the president of the Royal Society from then until his death in 1727. He was very religious man, but he never believed in holy trinity and the idea of hell and devils. He loved alchemy and everything that could sparkle ingenuity. He never had apple fallen on his head. He said that he saw apple falling from the tree in the garden when he was staring through his house window.


What the bleep do we know about this revolutionary beverage? Coca Cola has been invented by doctor/pharmacist John Pemerton in 1886. John believed that this drink was medicine and since it was made from coca leaves it can relieve you from pain and exhaustion. This all makes sense since coca leaves contain cocaine (from 0.1% to 0.9% depending on altitude where grown). Today Coca Cola is produced without cocaine. Interestingly, Coca Cola Company still imports around 100 tons of coca leaves each year from Peru firm called National Coca Co. In order to import coca leaves into United States you need special license from the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration.

It takes 2 liters of water to produce one liter of Coca Cola. Lack of the clean water made Indian farmers protest in 2004 against the Coca Cola Company and their water consumption in third world countries. Interesting Coca Cola fact is that few years earlier Coca Cola launched program called "Just Say No to H2O" which involves spreading the idea to drink Coca Cola instead of water. Main idea of the program was to serve Coca Cola for free in restaurants where customers ordered plain drinking water.

It is the urban myth that Coca Cola was originally green. Coca Cola has always been the same brownish color. As much as we hate Coca Cola we can't resist drinking it. Why? The truth is that we are addicted to the soft drinks containing caffeine and large quantities of sugar.

What are the ingredients of Coca-Cola? From the Coca Cola label: carbonated water, cane sugar, caramel color, food acid (phosphoric acid 338), "flavor" and caffeine. However, there is also a secret ingredient in Coca Cola called 'Merchandise 7X' and description of this ingredient is kept in a security vault in Atlanta, Georgia. Only few very high positioned officials know what is hidden behind this secret ingredient. The questions arises what do we really drink?

What we know today is that Coca Cola is very acidic drink with a high quantity of sugar that masks the acid taste. The acid in Coca Cola is called phosphoric acid which is known to dissolve teeth, metal and it will eat away your liver. In reality Coca Cola won't kill you instantly. It will make your body prone to many other diseases like: osteoporosis (lack of calcium due high levels of phosphorous), cancer, mild depression, flu-like feelings, teeth problems, and fatigue.


The diamond is hardest natural rock on earth. This does not mean that it's unbreakable or cannot be reduced in size. Diamonds can be reduced to simply nothing at very high temperatures. When a diamond is placed in a microwave and the temperature raised to 1405 degrees Fahrenheit or seven hundred and sixty three degrees Celsius it will simply disappear into thin air. Nothing will remain in the microwave but just carbon dioxide that has been produced in the process.

Diamonds take a long time to be formed. They are formed within the earth's crust for a period of over a billion years. It is formed at about 150 kilometers within the earth's crust. They are then pushed to the surface of the earth by volcanoes. Diamonds are found within a volcanic rock that is commonly referred to as Kimberlite. Other diamonds can be found in the sea after they have been pushed there by the rivers.

The diamond boasts of being 58 times harder than the second hardest mineral on earth which is the corundum which forms sapphires and rubies. People tried for many ways to cut the diamond using different tools to later discover that the only way that one can be able to cut the rock is by using another diamond. However, diamonds are brittle and will shatter when they are hit hard with a hammer.

The largest diamond in the world is the Cullian. This rock was found in South Africa. When uncut, the rock weighed and amazing 3000 carats. It was later cut into the great star of Africa, lesser star of Africa and other diamonds. The cut diamonds weighed 530.2, 317.4 and 104 carats respectively. The smaller diamonds now form part of the crown jewels of the British. The Cullian boasts of being three times bigger than the second largest diamond in the world. The second largest diamond is known as the Excelsior. This rock was also found in South Africa. The largest polished diamond that was documented was the Unamed brown. The rock weighed 545 carats. It was cut down from a 700 carat rock. The masterpiece took three years to complete. Another diamond that took a similar length of time to complete is the centenary diamond that forms part of the British crown jewels. The centenary diamond boasts of being the largest flawless diamond and weighs 273.85 carats.

It is a common assumption that all diamonds are white. This is not the case. Impurities give the diamonds a blue, orange, red, yellow, green or black shade. The rarest shade of diamonds would be the vivid blue, pink or green diamond. The diamonds do not bare the tag of being the rarest diamonds. The rarest mineral would be the red ruby. Diamonds are very common and can be found in plenty. Most of the diamonds that are mined cannot be used for jewelry. They are used to make cheap rings or in industries.

There has also been the development of synthetic diamonds. They can be made by mixing lithium with paraffin and bone oil and then the mixture heated till its red hot in iron tubes. The scientists that came up with this process went by the name James Ballatyne Hannay. In our today world diamonds can also be made by crystallizing carbon under pressure. The business of selling synthesized diamonds is very big today. This is because the diamonds sell for less than the mined diamonds. One cannot even tell apart the mined diamonds from the synthetic diamonds. This also applies to the so called diamond experts.
Diamonds are weighed differently from gold. The gold carat shows purity. One carat of diamond is 200 milligrams. This applies to both mined and synthetic diamonds. The term carat was derived from the carob bean. The beans were used by gem dealers to balance their scales as they would have the same weight.

Many might wonder what led to people wearing diamonds on their fourth finger. This custom was derived from the ancient Egyptians. They believed that the vein of love ran through the fourth finger and went straight to the heart.

The mineral was given this name due to its characteristic of being hard. It came from the Greek word adamas. This word means unconquerable.
When one mentions the word diamonds, the famous slogan, a diamond is forever, comes into mind. This slogan was created in the year 1947. It was a slogan that was used as a marketing strategy for diamond. The slogan was also voted as the best slogan in the 20th century.

Today diamonds are commonly used as engagement rings. This tradition was started by Archduke Maximillian who gave a ring to Mary of Burgundy. Then N.W Ayer was able to take advantage of this act and through clever marketing he was able to turn this gesture into a modern tradition. His marketing strategy was so clever that it's still used to date to market the rocks.


A hangover is a condition which is a result of the consumption of an excessively large amount of alcohol. But in reality a hangover is more like a withdrawal from alcohol for a short time period. A lot of experts state that some of the ingredients which are present in alcohol cause the hangover. The ingredients which are present in alcohol are known as congeners. 

During the ancient times, people used a combination containing myrrh and the beaks of birds which had been grounded to a fine paste, in order to treat a hangover. But most people feel that a similar combination cannot be used in the modern times in order to treat a hangover. Liquor which is light like vodka and gin should be consumed instead of heavy and dark liquors like whiskey and brandy. All kinds of alcoholic beverages which contain chemicals should be avoided since they will cause a very sever hangover. The worst hangover will usually be caused by the consumption of red wine. A lot of people are also likely to become very angry and depressed after they have consumed a large amount of alcohol. 


Leo is the fifth of the twelve Zodiac constellations. Depicted as a crouching lion facing the west, with a sickle of stars marking the head and mane of the animal, this constellation is seen mostly in the evening. It is easily noticeable during the spring season in the northern hemisphere and during autumn in the southern hemisphere. The brightest star of this constellation is 'Regulus'. Various traits are associated with the Leo constellation. It is said that people with this sign are creative, warm hearted, enthusiastic, faithful, pompous, bossy, and intolerant. The other constellations namely Aries and Sagittarius, along with Leo are all fire elements. Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces bear water element. Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius are all air elements. According to the Greek mythology, Leo has been recognized as the Nemean lion. It was said to be placed in the sky after being killed by the Heracles or Hercules. 

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If you would prefer bluish skin then your diet should include silver. An over exposure to the chemical form of silver causes an acute discoloration of the skin from normal to blue or bluish-gray in human beings or animals. This condition is called as Argyria. The word is a derivative of the Greek word 'argyros' which implies 'silver'. It is due to the deposition of the silver salts on one's eyes, skin and other internal organs. In the pre-antibiotic times, this skin disease was more prevalent due to the use of silver in the nasal drops. This disease has now been recognized as a permanent skin disease that is slowly becoming common. 58-year-old Paul Karason suffered a shocking side effect from the drug "colloidal silver," which he used to treat a skin condition; his skin turned blue. Paul Karason looked like an ordinary man until about a decade ago, when he began treating himself with silver. Patients develop argyria, which is the permanent collection of silver under the skin. Karason is blue for the rest of his life! 

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Murphy's Law is a witticism which states that 'anything that can possibly go wrong will go wrong'. The Law came into recognition at the Edward's Air force Base at North Base in 1949. It was named after Captain Edward Murphy, who had been working on an Air Force Project MX981, which was designed to see the level of deceleration one can stand during an air crash. During a particular incident, after discovering a faulty wiring of transducer, Murphy cursed the technician responsible by saying "If there is any way to do it wrong, he will find it." The contractor's project manager, who kept a list of all the laws, named this one as 'Murphy's Law'. Murphy hated when someone used his name for absurd theories of "Why does buttered bread always land butter-side down?" He was the victim of his own Law.

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Ever since H G Wells' 'Time Machine', time travel has been the topic of science fiction and has fascinated human minds - young and old alike. However, modern say research in physics shows that this actually is not possible. Particularly after the revolution of the theory of relativity, it is known that space and time are intertwined in a complicated manner such that any body that has mass causes the space-time around it to curve so that it accommodates that body with mass. In addition, although, you can move forward and back in any of the three spatial directions, you can only move forward in time. 


Jupiter is the Roman god of the sky and thunder, the planet Jupiter technically has no surface as it is entirely made out of gas. Jupiter can be seen without a telescope because of its huge size. The gravitational pull of the planet is so high that anything and everything that passes the planets gets pulled towards it. Jupiter has 63 moons and one of them is volcanically active and it is the only moon in the entire solar system to be in such a state. The fastest spinning planet of all, Jupiter has clouds that are up to 50 km thick and the average day on Jupiter lasts around 10 hours. After Venus, Jupiter is the second brightest planet in the Solar System (Venus reflects 70% of sunlight). Mars outshines Jupiter only when approached very close to the Earth. 


The density of Saturn is around 0.687 grams per cubic centimeter. Its density is so low that if it is kept on a water body, it would actually float on it. The speed with which Saturn completes one rotation is so high that it ends up flattening itself. It has 60 moons and in the ancient times the rings were thought to have been the moons of the planet. Saturn has no solid surface and the day is only 10 hours and 35 minutes long. It takes almost 30 years for the planet to complete one revolution around the sun and during these 30 years there are times when the rings around the planet seem to have been disappeared. Saturn in Horoscope represents hard work and discipline. There are theories that Saturn is astrologically powerful planet and it is used as advertising tool for many corporations like: Nike (that Nike logo represents Saturn's ring), cars, oil companies etc. Planet was named after the Roman god of agriculture Saturn. God Saturn was father of: Neptune, Pluto, Jupiter and Ceres. Day Saturday was also named after the Roman God Saturn. Saturn is the one of the five planets that are visible from the Earth with the naked eye (to see the actual rings you will have to find yourself a decent telescope). 


The start of the spring in the Northern Hemisphere is indicated by vernal equinox which occurs on March 20 or 21. Conversely the Southern Hemisphere sees it as the beginning of autumn. A known myth about the vernal equinox is that the day and the night hours are exactly12, but generally doesn't happen that way. An interesting fact about the first day of autumn is that one can see the sun go directly overhead. Another surprising fact is that it is only during both the equinoxes that the sun sets due west and rises from the east. Spring for most of the people signifies the hope and search for new meaning in life.


Dr. Howard Gardner of Harvard University proposed that there are several types of intelligence: naturalist, logical, mathematical, musical, interpersonal, spatial or linguistic (many theories include eight or even nine types). The type of intelligence differs in everyone and is largely a natural phenomenon. Naturalists can easily find the difference between natural things like clouds, animals, plants, etc. Whereas mathematically intelligent people are quick at calculations, propositions and hypotheses. Musically intelligent persons are able to discern rhythm, tone or pitch and can identify sounds which a normal human being might easily miss. Those with spatial intelligence have a unique quality of thinking in pictures. On the other hand linguistically intelligent ones use words for imaginative activities. 


When the star ten times more massive than our own Sun, explodes (Supernova) it leaves behind the strangest phenomenon in the Universe. The Black Hole. After explosion what is left behind is heavy core of subatomic particles, a Neutron Star. It can be very small, but with enormous density. Scientists calculated that approximately one teaspoon of Neutron Star would weight around billions of tons. The gravitational pressure of this highly dense object is so large that it can bend fabric of time and space. This theory is based on Einstein's proposition that space and time are woven together in a flexible fabric. Massive objects like Sun warp the fabric of space and time and pull smaller objects like Earth. Very large Neutron Star can warp time and space fabric so much that it could create a hole where gravity is so strong that not even light could escape. Black Holes are pulling everything around them closer to the center of the hole. In some sense black holes are creators of the galaxies since they are pulling planets and stars towards the spiral center. Each galaxy has a Black Hole and occasionally galaxies collide together because of the gravitational pull from the larger black holes. It is expected that in 5 billion years Andromeda galaxy will collide with our Milky Way galaxy.


VY Canis Majoris is the largest star known to man. It is a red Hypergiant, located in the Milky way and measuring between 1800 to 2100 solar radii. One Radius is equal to the current radius of the Sun and it is approximately 432,450 miles (695,500 kilometers). VY Canis Majoris is so large that if our Sun were replaced by it, its surface would extend to (or maybe even pass) the orbit of Saturn. In Earth terms it would take 70 000 000 000 000 000 (70 quadrillion) Earths to fill up the VY Canis Majoris.


This magnificent planet has been major candidate for the science fiction movies for many decades. When we consider all the facts it is impossible to imagine that any life could exist on Mars. However, scientists believe that straight lines on Mars are evidence of ice deposits underneath the planet's surface. The most concrete theory is that life on Mars existed billion years ago and some believe that there are remains of ancient civilization on Mars surface. The strange belief, based on Mayan studies, is that Martians fled their planet and landed on Earth (some believe that Mayans descended from Mars). Today Mars is made up of iron with largest volcano in our Solar system called Olympus Mons (see photo bellow) and largest canyon Valles Marineris, which is 2,500 miles long. Mars has two moons and scientists believe that the moon Phobos will crash into Mars in less than 50 years. Moon debris will stay in Mars atmosphere thus creating ring around the Mars similar to the Saturn's ring. Interesting fact about Mars is that NASA sent many missions to Mars and more than half of them disappeared without trace. 


Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are witren, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. 


Darkness is nothing but a absence of light. You can measure intensity of the light to infinity but can you do the same for darkness? Cold is nothing but absence of heat. Heat can be measured to infinity but cold maintains a steady value at a certain degree. Absolute zero (-460 F) is the total absence of heat; and all matter becomes inert and incapable of reaction at that temperature. It was proclaimed that Albert Einstein said: "Evil does not exist, or at least it does not exist unto itself. Evil is simply the absence of God. It is just like darkness and cold, a word that man has created to describe the absence of God. God did not create evil. Evil is the result of what happens when man does not have God's love present in his heart. It's like the cold that comes when there is no heat, or the darkness that comes when there is no light." There is no proof that Einstein said this and there is no proof that he didn't. However, based on constructive thinking there is no reason to suppose that Einstein was part of this "fictive" story.


The large Hadron Collider is a massive particle accelerator used by physicists to study the smallest known particles. Two beams of subatomic particles protons or lead ions will travel in opposite directions colliding the two beams head-on at very high energy. Some people are afraid that it will create strange matter which turns everything it touches into strange matter meaning everything, miniature big bangs.


Imagine the world without cancer. It has been proven that cancer is a deficiency disease caused by the lack of Vitamin B17 (Laetrile). Today there are more people making money from cancer than dying from it. That is the one of the main reasons why Vitamin B17 is disapproved by FDA and cancer associations. You can do research and find that pharmaceuticals companies pushed FDA to disallow sales of raw apricot seeds in the United States. Raw apricot seeds are known to have abundance of B17 vitamin. There is lots of money to make from patented drugs and if we all start eating raw apricot seeds than there will be no profit. This information is not a new breaking research, but we are trying to spread the truth about Vitamin B17 through the Internet.


A lot of General Practitioners argue that a balanced diet is all we need to live healthy. They are so wrong! 50 years ago, a plate of spinach contained all the minerals we needed to live healthier, but due to over farming, even if you eat a tablespoonful of spinach, there are some minerals such as mobidium, selenium and other trace minerals that are missing. Besides, a gp only studies nutrition on one semester, while nutritionists study the whole course! Minerals are the actual tools that repair your body!


As we all know Atom is smallest particle of an element still having the same chemical properties of the element. There are 2 sextillion atoms of oxygen in one drop of the water. Particles smaller then Atom are called subatomic particles. Electrons, protons and neutrons are the three major subatomic particles. Today scientists understand that protons and neutrons are made of even smaller particles called quarks which are tied together with particles called gluons.

It is believed that an atom is made of 200 or more than 200 subatomic particles because it is told that in an atom there is so much space and electrons take only 1/1000th volume. That space may have more subatomic particles in it and according to the calculations there may come more than 200 subatomic particles. Bellow is the picture of atoms of gold produced by electronic microscope.

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Fluoride is the bio-accumulative toxic that we all ingest every day either through the drinking water or toothpaste. It is believed that someone has lots of benefits from making people sick (to sell pills) or to make them dumber so we can listen/obey better. It is believed that fluoride does exactly that! We ingest it in large quantities without any reason. The fact is that we can have perfectly good teeth without fluoride. US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has never approved any fluoride product designed for ingestion as safe or effective. Some of the diseases/states that have direct influence from ingesting fluoride on daily basis: Osteoporosis, Dental Fluorosis, Hypoactivity or sluggishness, Reduced I.Q, Alzheimer's disease, Cancer. The list continues.


The speed of light was broken by two physicists, Gunter Nimtz and Alfons Stahlhofen, in Germany from the University of Koblenz. This seriously questions Einstein's theory that no object or information can move faster than the speed of light in a vacuum. An example of what could happen with this is time travel, but not like you imagine: If you went for a car trip faster than the speed of light, you'd arrive at your destination before you'd even leave, theoretically, of course. As Dr Guenter Nimtz said: "The effect cannot be used to go back in time, only to reduce the time between cause and effect a little bit." 


Nikola Tesla (Serbian scientist) the greatest genius since Leonardo da Vinci. Few people even know that the man who invented the 20th century even existed. Many of his ideas and inventions were credited by others. Nikola invented X-rays (credited to Roentgen), radio (credited to Marconi), the microwave oven, speedometer, automobile ignition system, basics behind radar, fluorescent bulb, electron microscope, neon lights and on top of all Tesla designed the first hydro-electric power plant in Niagara Falls (invented alternating currents). Tesla's biggest competitor Thomas Edison, did everything to erase Nikola Tesla from the history books and to reject his alternating currents idea. Tesla's ideas were so extreme that scientist community thought he was lunatic and on many occasions laughed at his theories. He believed that both voice and image can be transmitted through the air (in the late 1800's), which was of course true since we have wireless Internet today. 


In 1940 Dr. S.S. Bryukhonenko at the Institute of Experimental Physiology and Therapy, Voronezh, U.S.S.R conducted research where he experimented with dogs and proved that dogs head can live without its body for three days. Special artificial conditions were created to power the head with arterial and venous pumps. Dog's isolated head reacted to all basic external stimulants: light, sound, pain and taste. This disturbing Russian experiment helped scientist around the world to create artificial organs that are used by many medical institutes. More recently Dr. Robert White of Ohio claims that he transplanted a monkey's head onto another monkey's body. If you have a good stomach check this odd video which shows in detail how dog's head is living without body. 


After several debates, astronomers have determined the age of the universe by using a Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe. By examining the microwave background radiation that WMAP provided, astronomers were able to pin down the age of the universe, accurate to 1%, to 13.7 billion years old. 


If you spell all the numbers and try to find letter "A" you will have to count to thousAnd. Did you know that: 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321. Also 1,741,725 = 17 + 77 + 47 + 17 + 77 + 27 + 57. There are 293 ways to make change for a dollar. 


Maybe you didn't know but WD-40 stands for Water Displacement, 40th attempt. Name was coined by the chemist, Norm Larsen, while he was attempting to concoct a formula to prevent corrosion by displacing water. Wikipedia: "In fluid mechanics, displacement occurs when an object is immersed in a fluid, pushing it out of the way and taking its place." Norm's persistence paid off when he perfected the formula on his 40th try.


The full chemical name for caffeine is 1,3,7-trimethylxanthine and its chemical formula is C8H10N4O2. When coffee is roasted, and when the coffee beans begin to cool, they release about 700 chemical substances that make up the vaporizing aroma


Closest spiral galaxy to our Milky Way galaxy is Andromeda and even traveling at the speed of light it would take 2 million years to reach it. Andromeda Galaxy, Milky Way, the Triangulum Galaxy, and about 30 smaller galaxies belong to a group called Local Group. There are 100 billion galaxies that we can observe. Prediction is that there is much more, but Hubble Space Telescope couldn't detect them. The Andromeda Galaxy and the Milky Way is predicted to merge within the next 5 billion years. In the event like this smaller galaxies are consumed by larger ones. Andromeda galaxy is twice as large as Milky Way.

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