Monday, May 14, 2012

7 Wonders Of Engineering

Would you believe that the highest bridge in France reaches higher than the Eiffel Tower, or that hold a single dam in China is 1.4 trillion cubic feet or water? Each of the projects shown here at least a world record for its height, scale, daring or ingenuity set. From Venice to Boston, Egypt, England, here are seven remarkable technological wonders of modern world. Learn from others? Add to the list below!

Venice, Italy: The Venice Tide Barrier Project will be the largest flood protection project in the world.The project has been in one form or another has been discussed for over 40 years protect as a way to this historical city-on-the-water for future generations. With Venice slowly sinking, and the water around it slowly rises and floods have always been afraid Italians known for a long time that something be done. Finally, the Prime Minister of Italy, the second phase of the plan, including 80 hinged barriers, each approximately 6,500 square meters.
Worlds highest exterior elevator

Zhangjiajie, China: The Bailong Elevator is the world's largest AOS external lift. At over 1,000 meters high, this lift towers over halfway off a cliff overlooking a valley far below. In addition, the lift usually glass, affording passengers a dizzying view down. There is some concern, however, the elevator, AOS long-term impact on the surrounding natural environment.Worlds highest bridge in France

Millau, France: The Millau Viaduct is the highest bridge in the world. At almost 1,000 feet tall (more than even the Eiffel Tower) and over 8,000 feet long it sometimes sits above the cloud line, as shown in the beautiful photos above. The engineered wonder of the bridge itself is almost as amazing as the views of the valley below.Worlds largest underground pipeline
More, Norway to Easington, Britain: The Langeled pipeline is planned to the longest underwater pipeline in the world. It is then 20% of the UK, AOS gas needs, connecting England to deliver the largest gas fields in Europe over 750 miles of complex underwater terrain. Engineers had to subzero temperatures for a stormy waters in addition to alter development of techniques for the installation of the pipeline in the first place. 
You are capable of an amazing 8 miles of pipe per day was.

Yangtze, China: The Three Gorges Dam has drawn fire from people around the world for its role in water levels and displacing millions of Chinese residents in the area. As a work of art, but it is unmatched. It is the largest hydropower plant in the world, 600 meters high and holds 1.4 trillion cubic meters of water behind 100 million cubic feet more focused. This technique will also ask, finally, appear to offer much as 10% of China must AOs great power.

Boston, Massachusetts: The so-called "Big Dig" is a massive tunneling project in the heart of Boston and is the massive and expensive construction project in the history of the United States (at 15 billion dollars). Disaster and scandal have this project from the start, plagued including accidents, deaths and even arrests for criminal negligence. The engineers had a labyrinth of tunnels, pipes and power lines throughout the project to navigate, all with minimal disruption to the busy streets of Boston above.

Mubarak, Egypt: The Toshka Project is an amazing attempt to convert a half million hectares of desert into arable land. The Mubarak Pumping Station is located in the center of this effort and millions of cubic meters of water per hour channel. It will eventually divert 10% of the country, AOS water from the Nile and the habitable land in Egypt to increase by as much as 25%.

Best Engineering Schools in USA


1Massachusetts Inst of Technology
2Stanford University
3University of California-Berkeley
4California Institute Technology
5University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
6Georgia Institute of Technology
7University of Michigan
8Cornell University
9Carnegie Mellon University
10University of Texas at Austin
11Purdue University
12University of California- San Diego
13University of California- Los Angeles
14Texas A&M University
15Princeton University
16Pennsylvania State University
17University of Wisconsin-Madison
18University of Maryland College Park
19Harvard University
20University of California-Santa Barbara
21University of Southern California
22University of Minnesota
23Northwestern University
24Johns Hopkins University
25Virginia Polytech Inst & State University
26Ohio State University
27University of Virginia
28Columbia University (FU)
29University of Pennsylvania
30Duke University
31Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst
32North Carolina State University
33Rice University
34University of Washington
35University of Florida
36University of California-Davis
37Washington University -St. Louis
38Yale University
39University of Massachusetts at Amherst
40Michigan State University
41Iowa State University
42University of Arizona
43University of California-Irvine
44University of Colorado-Boulder
45Case Western Reserve University
46Rutgers State University-New Brunswick
47University of Notre Dame
48Lehigh university
49Northeastern University
50University of Rochester
51University of Delaware
52University of Iowa
53Brown University
54Arizona State University
55Drexel University

An Engineer Must Have These Qualities......

 An Engineer must have good facilities;
Gerekir.İngilizce know at least one foreign language may be next to it in another language, because now almost every college graduate oluyor.İspanyolca learned English at a variety of ways, Japanese, German, etc.Speeches against the person have to be a beautiful diction bırakmalı.Diksiyon Training should be an impact to me.AutoCAD, C, Java, Plc Programming, Matlab, SolidWorks, Office Word, Excel, Power Point-style programs, such as name, surname able to use. Of course, this need to choose according to your saydıklarımdan.Bir mechanical engineer, for example AutoCAD, SolidWorks and programs should be aware that office, but an electrical engineer, C, matlab, office programs, should know .. know the advantage of at least 2 programs ..Should be a good environment.Did they say what they say Prezantabıl that must be maintained.Experience in their profession to have a good theoretical knowledge of everyday life at school able to pass gerekir.En importantly, I believe.
How obvious that those who have these jobs.I would like to develop ourselves as an engineer have to ask how I'm the boss.
Phone allırken 3G compatible features would you like to pick up the phone do not have too much so-called wedge to get our phones istersiniz.Mühendis alırkende thinks sounds like the same employer.

Reasons to Love Facebook

Why I love Facebook
It's funny: I have some strange friends. These strange friends often strange things on the Internet, then post them on Facebook. It is usually a comment, video or news article. Now, thanks to my friends on Facebook the common things that makes her laugh, I get a good laugh too.

It keeps us at: Facebook has for us in contact with each other on a larger scale and more convenient than ever to stay before. Orphans are looking for their birth parents, high school flames reunited, one-night stands from that bachelor party in Las Vegas have come back with a baby in her arms, and so on. But the best part is you can stay in touch with friends from your past.
Chat: I remember how easy it was for AOL Instant Messenger me, girl to ask the 5th Class. Much has changed since my youth and I ask now with Facebook Chat for girls. It is a simple, fast and convenient way, with friends, to be online to happen while you talk.

First Creepy: I'm a joke, but not really. Let me explain: Facebook is ideal for scoping the scene. " There is no such thing as a blind date when you can see more photos and learn their interests, work history, women's, and even favorite books before. It is also a good way to remember a friend's birthday or stalk your exes with no break-in.

Photographs: This is my number one reason why I love Facebook. Many Facebook users upload photos, as it is their job. Whether the recent backpacking through Europe or the best friends wedding, you give him a week and see the photos of him. Tell your friends 'tag' up and photos from a set of quality, perspectives and points of view begins to pour in. It's the easiest way to receive and post photos online.

Business: As the largest social networking website in the world, it is no surprise why Facebook is good for business. To succeed in today's business world economy, is social networking software. If you own a small business, or trying to promote a new product, Facebook is a great way to get the word out to develop a following, keep your customers connected and better your business.

Nostalgia: Facebook is an online library of your photos and friends. Reliving can bring back old memories with old friends or contacting some warm fuzzy feeling.

Strange status updates, I'd much rather hear a strange status update as follows: "in my car on the way to work and farted almost lost my breakfast" as a sad or mundane update on what you ate for breakfast.

* 50 Funny Facebook Status Ideas
I must admit, to my eternal shame, I actually sat in front of Facebook, and spent a good five minutes trying to say something funny to think ..... and then failed miserably, so turned to Google ...
* Funny Facebook status updates (Rated R)
Looking for something sharp and witty update on your Facebook status post? Then look no further! A growing list of funny and sometimes rude quotes that your friends nod their heads (or maybe shakes his head in disgust) will have.
* MySpace vs Facebook
Most people who are active on social networking sites have a profile on both MySpace and Facebook. But although on both sides, each user has almost always been partial to one side over the other ....
* Many Reasons Love Facebook
This hub is only for people who love facebook, if you hate it do not want to comment on. Thanks. Facebook, I love, and is one of the best locations in addition to Twitter and MySpace. The very mention of his ...

Humurous list of 25 reasons to hate Facebook
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who is a engineer?

                   An engineer is a professional practitioner of the art, concerned with the application of scientific knowledge, mathematics and ingenuity to develop solutions to technical problems. Engineers design materials, imposing structures, machinery and equipment are within the limits of functionality, safety and cost. The word engineering derives from the Latin root ingenium, meaning "wisdom".
Engineers are based in applied sciences and of scientists engaged in research and artists who create excellent with a focus on aesthetics.  The work of engineers is the link between scientific discoveries and applications that meet society's needs. 

         Engineers develop new technical solutions. During the planning process, the performance responsibility of the engineer include defining problems, conducting, and narrowing of the research, analysis criteria, findings and analysis solutions and decisions. Much of the engineer's time is spent on researching, tracking, application and transfer of information.

    Engineers must weigh different design choices on their merits and choose the solution best meets the requirements. Their critical and unique responsibility is to understand, identify and interpret the constraints on a design to achieve a successful outcome.
     Engineers apply engineering analysis techniques in the examination, production or maintenance.Analytical engineers can monitor the production in factories and elsewhere, determine the cause of a process failure, and test output to maintain quality. They also appreciate the time and cost required to complete projects. 

      Supervisory engineers are responsible for major components or entire projects. Engineering analysis involves the application of scientific principles and analytical processes, the properties and state of the system, a device or system under study shows. Engineering analysis is the separation of planning services in the mechanisms of the operation or failure, analysis, or estimate each component of the operation or failure mechanism in isolation, and again the combination of the components. You can analyze risk. .
          Many engineers use computers to produce and analyze designs, simulate and test how a machine, structure, or runs to generate specifications for parts to monitor the quality of products and control the efficiency of processes.Specialization
Most engineers specialize.  Numerous specialties are recognized by professional societies, and each of the major branches of engineering has numerous subdivisions. Civil engineering, for example, includes structural and traffic engineering and materials engineering includes ceramic, metallurgical, and polymer engineering. Engineers can specialize in one industry, such as cars or in a kind of technology, such as turbines or semiconductor materials.

       Engineers have obligations to the public and their customers, employers and the profession. Many technical societies have codes of conduct and codes of conduct for members and established inform the general public. Each technical discipline and professional society maintains a code of ethics that require members to defend themselves. Depending on their specializations, engineers can be regulated, whistle blowing, product liability law by specific statute, and often the principles of business ethics.
          Some graduates of engineering programs in North America may be recognized by the iron ring or Engineer's Ring, a ring of iron or steel, which is worn on the little finger of the dominant hand. This tradition began in 1925 in Canada with the ritual of the calling of an engineer, where the ring is a symbol and reminder of the engineering commitment for the engineering profession. In 1972, the practice of several colleges in the United States, including members of the Order was adopted by the engineer.
           Most engineering programs involve a concentration of study in an engineering specialty, along with courses in mathematics and the physical and life sciences. Many programs and courses in mechanical engineering. A design course, sometimes from a computer or laboratory class or both, accompanied, is part of the curriculum of most programs. Often general courses not directly related to technology, as in the social sciences or humanities, you are needed.

3D Printing Breaks into the Medical Field

                 So we’ve all definitely heard the hype surrounding the 3D printing technology. Yes, it’s been around for a while, but it’s now taking off like a whirlwind – with everything from 3D remote control aeroplanes to opening a whole new range of sculptural artistry – and it seems like the Star Trek replicators are not so far fetched after all.

                Last year, orthopaedic specialists were already delving into the world of 3D printing to see how it might benefit the medical community. Tests on animals showed that 3D printed bone scaffolds could be attached to assist in bone growth repairs – a technology they hope to make viable for humans within the next two decades.However, what they didn’t realize was that doctors in the Netherlands were way ahead of them; they just hadn’t talked about it yet.

      The patient was an elderly woman of 83 years who had developed a chronic bone infection in her lower jaw. Reconstructive surgery would be risky (and expensive) at her age so they decided to try something new – an operation that is literally the first of its kind.

They crafted a brand new jaw for her, made from titanium powder fused in a 3D printer. The complex body part comes complete with articulated joints, cavities to promote muscle attachment, and grooves to direct regrowth of nerves and veins. It will also be equipped with a specially made dental bridge into which false teeth can be screwed into holes. That will happen later this month during a follow-up surgery.

The operation was done in June last year, but has only recently been publicized – probably because they decided to make sure it actually worked first!

And work it did: our lovely old granny got to walk away from the hospital only four days after a surgery that only took four hours – a fifth of the time it would have taken to do a traditional reconstructive surgery. The day after the surgery the woman was already able to swallow with her new mouth!

The future for 3D printing in medicine looks bright. The slashing of operation and subsequent hospitalisation time reduces medical costs so dramatically that it’s bound to make hospitals around the world perk up and drive forward the research.

The company that produced the machinery, LayerWise, believes that this application is just the tip of the iceberg. It’s perfectly plausible to imagine that patient-specific organs can be printed, ready for transplant in the matter of hours.

Of course, the world where hearts will no longer need to be stored in boxes and flown across the country to be received by the next patient on the waiting list is still some way off. I’m not sure a tin-man’s (or titanium-man’s) heart would really work so well in an actual human body.

Working out all the biological and chemical issues – namely how to use organic material as the ‘ink’ in the 3D printer – is something that’s definitely going to take some time. Most likely it will only be a reality outside of our lifetimes, but who knows – I’m pretty sure a few decades ago they would have thought the idea of whipping up a fully functioning jaw bone out of titanium powder would have seemed ridiculously far off as well.

You never know what those orthopaedists will pull out of their bony brains next!

World's Largest Digital Camera

       Not often do we cover digital cameras at Gizmowatch, but when the digital camera at hand is one like this, that'll not capture your idiotic face, instead, will sometime, when adversity calls, help detect the possibility of an asteroid collision with the mother earth - we just can't help but share.

                 Built at Manoa's Institute for Astronomy in Honolulu at the University of Hawaii, the gigapixel camera has been installed on the Pan STARRS-1 telescope on Haleskala, Maui. While the silicon chips used in the camera are developed in collaboration with Lincoln Laboratory of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.Astronomer John Tonry justly explains this mammoth mechanism, 'as a truly giant instrument'. There is no denying the same, as the digital camera is the world's largest and most advanced digital camera.

The Pan-STARRS project is designed to search the sky for objects that move or vary. With its ability to get an image, that is of 38,000 by 38,000 pixels in size, approximately 200 times larger than the one on any available high-end consumer digital camera, and its trait of extreme sensitivity, which assists it to observe stars that are 10 million times fainter when seen with the naked human eye - the camera sure becomes a key component of the project.

Highs and lows:

                 We have telescopes like the Hubble up there, to keep us informed of the developments in the space. But how advantageous would it be if we could take the same pictures with better resolution and high speed than the Hubble itself, that too from the ground.The novel technology has a provision for it; the colossal camera bears a circuitry that does away with the atmospheric adversities, the silicon chips deployed within makes instantaneous corrections for any image shake caused by Earth's unstable atmospheric conditions. And the ability will surely benefit, because we no more have to risk our astronauts over crafts like the Hubble.

                      The camera is a multifunctional though complex entity and we know that, it has a gigantic data producing ability, ranging to thousands of gigabytes of data the camera can produce overnight, which also makes it that hard to put to work - hats of to IfA scientists and engineers who have got this thing into action. The large thing will also have significant weather variation, are we set then.

Flip Phone

                  How many “flips” does it take to make your Smartphone super-sexy. The answer? Three flexible AMOLED touchscreens and a keyboard on the reverse! Here’s what the Flip Phone feels like: a smart triangular piece held together with soft steel mesh hinges, hosting a custom flavor of Android.

The boundaries of a PC and phone have smudged-up big time and this is a sample of what that future looks like.

The Brother iPrint&Scan

The Brother iPrint&Scan app made scanning and printing images and documents from the iPad, iPod and iPhone a breeze and the myBrother Portable All-in-One scanner, copier and printer looks to further enhance the productivity of the handy app. Using data acquired from the Brother App, the myBrother Portable All-in-One would be able to print out/copy/scan hard copies of images and documents.

The myBrother Portable All-in-One device is mainly targeted at traveling tradesmen or professionals who need to print copy or scan hard copies on the go. The device thus serves as a handy and portable accessory to the iPad, the iPod touch or even smartphones which can offer users the same level of functionality as a bulky desktop gadget. Using default settings, the pre-configured myBrother Portable All-in-One can be sued to access the data stored on your laptop or smartphone via Bluetooth or USB and scan, copy or print chosen data using the Brother app.

The myBrother Portable All-in-One device uses thermal printing and a specially manufactured fine thermal paper with a chemical coating that acquires a different color when exposed to heat. This liberates the user from the hassles of buying and changing the device’s toners. Since each sheet of the thermal paper costs less than €0.10($0.1322), users are able to save money and contribute a little towards making routine scanning, printing and copying a lot more planet friendly also.

Magnetic Floating Bed

Every so often, we like to take a look at things whose functionality isn't measured in gigabytes or megabangs, but instead just look amazing. This magnetic floating bed, I submit, may be among the coolest things we've ever covered. Designed by Dutchman Janjaap Ruijssenaars, it's got enough magnets to keep 900 kilograms (1,984 pounds) floating in the air. To make sure that the bed doesn't float away should it become windy (or "interesting," wink wink), it's tethered to the walls by four cables.

Technically, the magnetic floating bed is for sale, but at a price of 1.2 million euros ($1.53 million), you're not likely to find it in your local mattress store. 

Industrial robot to try its hand at sketching portraits

                    Pity the poor industrial robot. It spends countless hours toiling away at mindless manual labor, never getting a chance to explore its creative side. Well, next month at the CeBIT digital technology trade show, one such robot will get the opportunity. When visitors to the Fraunhofer display take a seat on a provided stool, one of the company's industrial robots will create a pencil sketch of them, then hold up the finished product for everyone to see.

           The installation was created by artists from the robotlab group, at the Center for Art and Media,located in the German city of Karlsruhe. They collaborated with scientists from the Fraunhofer Institute for OptronicsSystem Technologies and Image Exploitation, which is where the robot works. On a typical day there, it will move its light sensor-equipped arm in an arc around a product that's designed to be reflective (such as a child's safety reflector), assessing how well it returns light to a light source.

                 At CeBIT, it will start each portrait session by taking a still image of its human subject, using a camera mounted on its arm - that arm will also hold a pencil. It will then analyze that image using edge-processing software, to identify areas of contrast on and around the person's face. The team had to tweak the algorithm in order to make sure that the robot identified obvious objects such as eyes, but didn't concentrate too much on things like wrinkles. In the last step of the drawing process, the identified areas of contrast will be translated into coordinates, dictating the movements of the robot's pencil-wielding arm.

It should take the robot about ten minutes to create each sketch.

Recorder Pen

"Recorder" is a pen which can record your writing and convert it into electronic files.You can send the files phone and computer with bluetooth.

Hybrid Car Technology

                    With the prices of gasoline and fuel always on the increase, car manufacturers have today found a new form of car technology that is fuel efficient and low in pollution. This technology is called the hybrid car technology where the cars have a rechargeable energy storage system (RESS) found in the vehicle, along with some fuel propulsion source.

                              Hybrid cars don't produce much pollution and consumes minimal fuel; and its different propulsion systems have either common parts or systems. Hybrid cars are generally designated to vehicles running on a combination of petroleum and electricity. These vehicles are called hybrid-electric vehicles where electric cells are used to power electric engines, along with an internal combustion engine.

                          The advantage of these cars is that they sort of extend their battery charge through the kinetic energy they catch in regenerative braking. Moreover when such cars cruise, or move on a small thrust, the combustion engine generates energy with the running of a second electric motor. This is done to either recharge the battery or to provide energy to the motor for driving the car. This is unlike the conventional electrical cars where they avail of their battery charge through external sources like the grid.

Today, most of the hybrid cars run on either gasoline or diesel as their main energy source while there are some cases where other fuels like ethanol or plant based oils are used too. There are also some cars that use hydrogen fuel. Sometimes, hybrid cars are also referred to the cars that are flexible-fuel vehicles where they run on a combination of different fuels like gasoline and ethanol alcohol fuel.

The main reason people prefer to use hybrid cars is because of its hybrid technology of a combination of technologies. With this, a lot of gas fuel is saved which is of course, beneficial to the car buyer. With the passage of time, hybrid car technology has improved in the different hybrid cars. This is because with time, hybrid cars have also become popular and the manufacturers have been working on more means to make the car more feasible to the prospective car buyer.

                 With hybrid car technology, the motion of the car is designed in such a way that the engines in these cars have a smaller size that is used when drifting and driving leisurely. It is usually the battery source that provides the additional power like going uphill or accelerating whenever needed. To couple things, when the hybrid car is stopped, the hybrid fuel engine gets switched off to run off the electric motor.

                     Hybrid cars are built lighter and are designed more aerodynamically for better speed. And its tires are usually stiffer and have a higher inflation so that the drag of the car is reduced. So it can be seen that with hybrid car technology, a car has become more efficient. Though the rates of these cars may initially be a bit high, they are very much worth it in the long run during its lifespan.

How Hybrid Cars Work

Hybrid Cars integrate the power of the conventional gasoline engine with that of an electric motor. A high powered battery pack provides energy to the motor which itself gets recharged when the car is decelerating. This is called as regenerative braking. The gas engine can also assist the battery in recharging. This kills the need to plug the car to an external source of energy.

As of now, there are two types of hybrid vehicles. 

In one type, the electric motor acts as a side-kick to the gas engine, assisting it whenever surplus power is needed. The electric motor alone is incapable of independently operating the vehicle. Honda's Power Assist technology in its hybrids, Civic and Insight is an example. Such vehicles are termed as Mild Hybrids. In mild hybrids, the gasoline engine provides the main source of power, and the electric motor provides additional power whenever needed.

The second type of hybrid can be termed as a Full Hybrid, where the gasoline engine and the electric motor can operate the vehicle separately. In this type, the electric motor can drive the vehicle at lower speeds. In need of more speed, the gasoline engine kicks in. The Toyota Prius and the Ford Escape implement the same technology.

Be it mild hybrids or full hybrids, both are capable of providing lower emissions and better fuel efficiency.
The Internal-Combustion Engines (both gasoline and diesel) installed in Hybrid cars are often smaller than those in normal cars for a simple reason that Hybrids have the electric motor for assistance.

The motor can take care of city travel which poses stop and go conditions as well as power-consuming add-ons such as the A/C or power-windows and power-steering. At high speeds, the gasoline engine supplies power. This switching of power sources is computer controlled and nothing needs to be manually done.

Power to the electric motor comes from the battery-pack. Recharging of the battery is automatic and need not be done by external sources. When the car is in uniform motion or when it is decelerating, it generates power which charges the batteries which utilizes the valuable kinetic energy.

As with any other battery, the Hybrid car battery also has a limited life span. Auto makers however, put the battery life at around 200,000 miles which roughly comes around to 7-8 years, depending on the kind of travel it endures. Thus, It pays to take extra care of your vehicle and travel when necessary.

Advantages of Hybrid Cars :

Hybrid cars carry with them a bundle of advantages.
  • Hybrids combine clean energy of the electrical motor with the power of the gas-powered engine which results into lower emissions and better mileage.
  • Thanks to the ever improving technology, hybrids perform at par with the normal ga-powered vehicles, if not better.
  • Hybrids are reliable and comfortable as any traditional car and they have a tax benefits(only till 2006).
  • There are purchase incentives for Hybrid vehicle owners (varies by state).
  • Hybrids are much cleaner cars than normal vehicles with lesser CO and other greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Hybrids provide a better mileage.
  • The future for hybrids looks bright with rapid developments in hybrid technology to improve engine efficiency.
  • Due to the Regenerative Braking technology, the batteries need not be charged by an external source.
  • Special warranties are provided for the battery pack, the electric motor other costly items.
  • Hybrids help reduce the dependency on fossil fuels which directly affects fuel prices.
Hybrid cars are often refered to as the 'car of the era'. The unique advantages of the hybrid car will be sole basis for such recognition in the market. The motor industry was always in the effort to develop most beneficial model and the disadvantages of the conventional model might be the triggering factor for the formation of advantageous models. Usually, anything to be considered as advantageous will make benefit only to its owner, and to the maximum, the family of the owner. The specialty of the hybrid car enhances in this situation since its advantages can attribute benefit to not only the owner or his family, but to the entire society, nation and the mankind.

The advantages of the hybrid car start right from its difference in the basic pattern. Hybrid car is type of car that utilizes two energy sources for its movement. The popular hybrid cars in the market are manufactured in such a manner to combine the benefits of an internal combustion engine and electrical motor. The shortening level of gasoline in the world as it is a non-renewable energy was the major drawback of the conventional cars, which was rectified in the electrical cars, but it also had its own disadvantages. The advantage of the hybrid car is that it can rectify the complaints in the both systems and balances the use of electrical energy and gasoline engine, in their optimum levels.

In the hybrid car, the electrical energy is used while starting up of the car and its low speed ranges, which will help to impart a check to the tail pipe emissions. As the automobiles is increasing, world is at the threat of toxic pollutants and global warming, due to their exhaust ingredients. The decrease in the tail pipe emission will be a great advantage for the environment as well as the society. However, gasoline engine will take up the transmission, when the speed goes up since, it is essential to attribute the pace for the drive. While the traffic stops and steep slopes the electrical energy will be again activated, which will help to reduce the gasoline utilization. The aerodynamic design, lighter materials and smoother tyre will help for better energy consumption. The striking technological advantage of the hybrid car is that the energy loss, while braking is re-channeled for the electrical battery charging, called as regenerative braking, and a separate energy for battery charging is not required.

The advantages of the hybrid car are multifaceted since it attributes economical, technical and economical benefits. Despite of the owner, the country as well as, is benefited from the gasoline saving as the oil prices are steeping very high, and its effects the country's whole economy. This advantage is also a benefit to the customer as government has decided to give reductions and tax credits for the hybrid car buying. In addition to Federal exemption certain states also provide local exemptions to promote the use of hybrid car.

Hybrid car is thus an advantageous car, which helps to over come much of the crisis related to the motor world.

Hybrid Car Maintenance :

A hybrid car is basically a car that runs on a combination of a fuel combustion engine and mechanical energy provided by a battery cell. These cars are usually run using petrol, but there are also hybrid cars that run on gasoline and diesel. Some also run on optional fuels like ethanol alcohol or plant fuel.

Though hybrid cars generally cost more than normal cars, they don't need much maintenance. These hybrid cars don't need any type of additional maintenance on its components. The only maintenance that some cars may need is the replacement of the air filter on some battery systems every 40,000 miles. Of course, you have to run similar maintenance to the fuel engine of a hybrid car as you would to any other regular fuel-engine vehicle. So this implies that according to the driving conditions and vehicle, oil changes have to be made every 5,000 to 10,000 miles.

In fact, when comparing some aspects of hybrid cars, they offer less maintenance than ordinary cars. The brake pads of ordinary cars tend to wear out and thus need periodical changes. However, because of regenerative braking that exists in hybrids, the brake pads in hybrid cars tend to last longer. Here the electric motor acts as a generator where energy is captured to be lost when the car is either cruising or when brakes are applied. This energy is changed into electricity to recharge batteries, which in turn is used to increase the efficiency of fuel in the car.

There is no need of plugging a hybrid car as maintenance for its battery as the battery receives its energy source through regenerative braking. This is unlike other electric cars where the battery has to be plugged periodically for its battery to be in running condition. Unlike the notion that the batteries of hybrid cars have to be replaced repeatedly, there is no need of replacing batteries here as long as the charge is maintained between 40% and 60% its charge. This way the battery is never fully charged or drained by which the longevity is extended.

It is usually thought that hybrid cars charge more in terms of maintenance. However, this is not true, as sometimes its maintenance is lower because of decreased wear and tear on the engine and its braking system. Moreover, when you do a maintenance check up for a hybrid car, it is better to take the hybrid car to its dealer. This is because the dealer offers a warranty on the amount of usage of the car on both the emission parts and the battery pack. Of course, you may have to pay a little more when servicing the car in the dealer service center; however, you are will be confident of receiving the best service for your car.

Today, there are many classes being run to teach mechanics all there is to know about the maintenance of hybrid cars. This is to meet the demand of the rising demand for hybrid cars. So by the time your warranty on your hybrid car expires, you will be confident of finding qualified mechanics for your hybrid car maintenance.